july 6, 2006

so this morning i missed the bus and i was kind of bummed because i was late for work (obvs). the next bus comes about 5 minutes later and as the doors open i hear, "THIS BUS IS DOOOOOWNTOOOOOWN BROOOOOOKLYN BOOOOOUND!" (eee! favorite bus driver!!!) but then he adds a new line, "pleeeeeeease watch yoooooour step! as you're getting on!! and off!! the bus." and he just plays it over and over and over every time he opens the doors.

later, someone forgot to hit the tape and was yelling "back door, back door!!" as we passed the stop. the bus driver stopped at the next stop and gave a little public service announcement that was like, "when preparing to exit the bus, please make sure to apply pressure to the tape to activate the 'stop requested' light." then he added, "i am not a mind reader today." TODAY? maybe he's a mind reader SOME days! i hope i get him again.

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