october 19, 2009

back to new york, back to public transportation, back to the crazies.  today on the train i started reading the book of the dude next to me over his shoulder (per usual) and discovered that it was a bomb building book (obvi).  so now i know how to make a drano reefer bomb.  and i know that if you want a big explosion, you gotta put it in water.  and i know that if you are in jail, this means putting it in the toilet.  fantastic!!!!  so then i gave him a solid once over:  no backpack, no loose fitting clothing that could easily conceal dynamite, and no suspicious looking friends lurking nearby.  i must have freaked out the girl across from me because she started checking him out, too.  then we both got off at the next stop.  not sure if it was her stop, but it sure as hell was not mine.

october 1, 2009

missing new york today . . .